Icelandic president yearns to ban pineapple on pizza

Photo from The Canadian Press.
Photo from The Canadian Press.

The president of Iceland could one day execute his power to obliterate a controversial fruit from appearing on a dish where many feel it doesn’t belong. Yes, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson weighted on the pineapple pizza debate, saying he would actually consider banning the fruit from being used as a topping.

While on a visit to a high school in the country’s North, Jóhannesson granted the students a question and answer period, in which they quizzed him on a variety of light-hearted subjects. After revealing his favourite soccer team (Man U) the president was asked about his favourite type of pizza. When one student specifically asked him how he felt about pineapple on a pie – a topping that is known to divide some staunch pizza purists – Jóhannesson didn’t hold back.

He told the students that if he were able to make his own law, he would ban the fruit from ever being included on a pizza. (If he needs someone to blame for the vexed ingredient, he need not look further than Canada, where it was first cooked up on a pizza.)

Back in December, Jóhannesson scored an approval rating of 97 per cent after his first four months on the job. It has yet to be seen if his controversial remarks leave a bad taste in the mouths of his pizza-loving people.